My name is Audun and I started Coaxfilm in 2004. In addition to being a filmmaker and musician, I am also educated as a social worker. "To coax someone" is used as a negative slang to manipulate a person. I have taken the word and turned it upside down. As a social worker and a therapist, I have to find the best in the person and "coax" this out of them to make a change for the better.
In my work as a film maker, often in collaboration with an organization, I have experienced that people who might not had a chance to be heard, got an option to tell their story. In a proper and safe context we have given them the option to challenge and "coax" themself and let their stories be heard, seen and appreciated.
After twenty years as an independent film maker many stories has been told, but I know that there are many more.
Maybe it will be yours next time!

Coaxfilm has worked and works with different organisations since 2003, most of them humanitarian. The work contains filming, editing, photos and text for articles. This projects takes place on long shoots around the world, specially in Asia and Africa and become films for fundraising and education as well as documentaries and fiction.
Normisjon (NO), Acta - barn og unge i Normisjon (NO), HimalPartner (NO), Misjonsalliansen (NO) ,
Kirkens Nødhjelp/NCA (NO), East Africa Cup/CHRISC (TZ), KRIK (NO), Prameni (CZ) , Inach (EU)
Normisjon - "Supriya", Bangladesh (2024)
HimalPartner - "Job and opportunities", Nepal (2024)
Normisjon - "Dalamu", Nepal (2022)
Misjonsalliansen - "Modara", Cambodia" (2020)
KOMPIS/Acta - Barn og unge i Normisjon - "Riya" (2015)
Normisjon - "Martin Luther College, Bangladeh" (2013)